Terms of Service / Conditions / Community Guidelines

Terms and Conditions

By using Public Square Network and it’s collective services, you agree to it’s Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, conditions and to adhere to our Community Guidelines. Failure to comply can result in removal of the member.

You must be over the age of 13 or have permission from an parent/guardian over the age of 18 to be a member or use out site.

You have not been removed from our site.

You give Public Square Network the right to distribute your posts, profile or information on our site, by the settings you set on your settings controls. This is for website reproduction purposes, according to your profile and stream/news parameters set by you.

You must have the legal right to post any material or services and such items are legal, not copyrighted/trademarks.

You are responsible for the content you post. Public Square Network is not responsible for, neither endorses or represents the views of the member/user or any possible consequences. We are not liable for your content. This social network is used by you at your own risk and provided as-is.

You agree to adhere to all current and future Terms, Conditions and Community Guidelines posted in our settings.

You agree to receive communication from Public Square Network for any content you have set up for your user and for maintenance or necessary communication for your user standing with site rules and regulations.

Public Square Network reserves the right to suspend/remove any content or user membership of you, the user has violated any of the Terms or Condition/Community guidelines.

Community Guidelines

Public Square Network wishes to endorse healthy social habits in our community, while at the same time disagreeing with people that have different opinions and lifestyles.

No nudity or inappropriate sexual photos, including that of minors or anything illegal in content.

No intentional stocking of other users content, in order to abuse them, post against them inordinately etc. If you are following someone and their content is on your stream/news, comments are not prohibited. Users have the ability to block, unfollow and not comment on other users content to promote less social friction. Bullying of a user is strictly prohibited.

No Doxing or publishing other peoples private information for bad or good intent. No addresses, phone numbers, location information.